Danish National Representative & Management Committee of the industry group: A growing interest in the development of oceanic coastal shores has arisen over the past decade, seeking alternative sustainable food sources and other valuable products. This CA initiative aims at exploiting the potential of marine seaweeds in Europe. It proposes an innovative conceptual pathway to address these issues, significantly improving knowledge in the biology of the most promising Ulva spp., capitalizing on their economic potential, and exploring commercial applications in the human food, animal feed, pharmaceutical industries and ecosystem service. The COST Action combines interdisciplinary approaches to the sustainable use of marine resources, encompassing all the facets of Ulva biology, ecology, aquaculture, engineering, economic and social sciences.
URBAN FARMING som klimarelevant omstilling, Momentum 2022/1
Historien og arven fra urban farming tilbyder inspiration for helt nye former for byplanlægning, hvor